Monday, March 14, 2016

The Treatment Protocol

Todays the day!! The last day I have to take my remedies from the Hansa Center. While I was at the center my doctor formulated mixes of remedies that he compounded. Each remedy was tested with my body to show it would be beneficial before I actually started taking it.

I finally decided I would write up my remedies I have been taking, here it goes.

Remedy 1
Borrellogen, echinacom, Immunoplus, Ferrum Phos 6, Lobellia quercus, urtica conchae

All of the supplements in this remedy except for the ferrum phos are specific for a low immune system. All of them are used to bring up immune function.
The ferrum phos is also used for bringing up body temperature.
Borrellogen is specific for lyme disease, it has been clinically proven to help the body expel dead lyme bacteria.

Remedy 2
NAII/PNS, total thallium, total chlorine, total arsenicum, arnica betula A, ferrum silicum urtica, larynx levisticum.

These are all homeopathic remedies, NAII/PNS is for nervous system detox. The total chlorine is for dumping chlorine, total arsenicum is for arsenic, total thallium is for thallium. arnica is for pain, inflammation, and damage. Silicum is for mood, colds, and sore throat, urtica is for physical pain and damage. Larynx levisticum is for the throat.

These were the first two remedies I was recommended to take.

Remedy 3
Free and Easy Wanderer , Liver Flow
This two ingredients are from Chinese medicine. Free and Easy wander is for synchronizing the liver and kidneys. Liver flow is used to open up liver pathways and detoxification.

Remedy 4
Star of Bethlehem, Mimulus, Gentiana Absinthium, Pulmo tartarus 6/8 , Sulphur 30, Saromanthus aurum, mag sulph bryonia.
Star of Bethlehem and mimulus are Bach Flower remedies for emotional trauma(most likely associated to being chronically ill). The rest in remedy 4 are standard homeopathics.

Remedy 5
B Liquitrophic, Hypericum Bryophyllum, Hepar Stannum, Silicea Belladonna
All homeopathic remedies. The B Liquitrohic is a mix of homeopathic B vitamins.

Remedy 6
Hemo Liquitrophic, Cell Salt #6, Sulphur 30, Aurum equisetum A, Formica arnica, Medulla Arnica, Apis Levisticum, argentum 8

Remedy 7
Equisetum Formica, Secale Nicotiana, Liver Comp., Renes Mesenchyme, Gentiana Absinthium, Renes Betula, Arnica Plumbum Mel, Aurum Equisetum B, Bambusa pulsatile, Myristica argentum, Hypophysis Stannum.

Remedy 8
Harmonize Water and Fire, Total Bromine, Total Niccolum, bt detox
This is a mix of homeopathy and Chinese medicine. It is for liver and kidney detox as well as bromine and nickel detox.

This is all of the compounded remedies. Confusing isn't it??
Unless you are educated in homeopathy you probably do not know much about any of the remedies. I do not even know much about a lot of them.
Overall each remedy is for some kind of detox or repair. All of the Total X are to detox the specific ingredient. Total Bromine for example is to remove bromine.

B-Liquitrophic is a homeopathic blend of B vitamins. Hemo Liquitrophic is a blend for blood cell support.

There are a significant amount of remedies for bromine, chlorine, gold, silver, nickel, lead, thallium, sulphur, iron, and arsenic. They will either help my body remove the ingredient from my system or help my body utilize them better.

There are also specific remedies for liver, throat, stomach, and nervous system healing.

Overwhelmed much? I am.

Then I have the standard packaged remedies-
CholestPure, a natural form of Cholestyramine. This is a binder that helps the body remove pollutants safely.

CheleX, this is a natural and pharmaceutical chelator. I just started this last week per the doctors recomdations so I will not be stopping it until I go back to the center. It contains Cilantro and EDTA to remove heavy metals and lead especially.

Total Male, this is a high quality multivitamin for males. Also has ingredients good for the liver.

GB Plus, this is for gallbladder support. My gallbladder showed some significant stress, this remedy will help support it.

Adaptocrine, this remedy is to feed the adrenals. It contains many of the common adaptogens used for adrenal fatigue.

Lastly Betaine HCl. I take this with meals to help raise my stomach acid. According to a stomach acid test I produce very little of my own. This is another remedy I will not be stopping until I go back to the center.

All of these remedies are meant to bring my body back into balance. They support several organ systems and pollutant removal. Now I get to stop them until I go back and probably get prescribed something new for my next phase of healing.

I know this post was a mouthful!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I will be coming back to this post and using it to see if any of the remedies will be beneficial to me. I love the break time from medicines, sometimes it is just nice to let your body rest from the battle. I am excited to hear what stage 2 is like for you. Thanks for keeping us updated
