Friday, November 27, 2020

Five Years Online


It just occured to me that last month was the 5th birthday of my blog! I cannot believe I have been writing for this long and that people actually read what I share.

I have so much to be grateful for, my life has changed for the positive significantly.

This week has been good for me for the most part but some friends of mine have not had as great of a Thanksgiving week. My neighbor died early this morning, this man had been like an extra grandparent to me but due to his declining health over the last few years we have seen him less and less. Another neighbor, who recently moved away, called us a week or two ago and told my mom how bad the neighbor had gotten and that he had reached the point where it may be better for him to pass on rather than hold on. That is always tragic news to hear, on one hand it sounds cold but on another it does make sense. Us believers have no reason to fear death, the Bible has told us many times over that we will have more to be grateful for in the next life than we ever will have on this earth. Still, the change and loss for my neighbors family will be very great this Christmas season. 

Another friend of mine, her grandmother died a few days ago. She said they were not terribly close but it was still sad. She said they had a lot of fond memories from when she was little. Again, a very sad season to lose someone. Her grandmother had been in poor health for months and the doctors in the hospitals could never come to a conclusion. 

This whole year seems like it has been filled with loss and limits. Don't do this, you can't do that. People have lost their lives, and people have lost friends due to the growing anger in the world.

I continue to count my blessings and remember all the things I have to be grateful for. I am very thankful that my family and friends have all been healthy for the most part. I am grateful I have not lost anyone this year and I pray that this holds true next year as well. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

I Got In

 I Have Some News!!!

Last week I recieved an important phone call, the person on the other line gave me some very important news that I have long awaited for. Today I received a letter in the mail, and I could finally see the good news in black and white.

I got into graduate school!! I will begin attending chiropractic school next year! My opportunity to officially join the alternative health community has happened, I will be more than the technician and a phone call answerer that I am now!!

I applied for the Spring Quarter starting in April of 2021, but the admissions lady that called me extended the invite to join the school in January instead. I have no yet given her my choice, its only been a few days, but I will probably hold out and start in April. I would love love love to start sooner, but I shouldn't rush into things and change my original plans. I have some things I need to do before I dedicate my life to school even more than I already have. I want to visit some friends, I want to do some traveling (though the current state of the world may inhibit that...) and I want to enjoy time off from formal education for a little bit.

For those who are not familiar with how the standard chiropractic program operates, it is 14 quarters. Roughly 9 weeks on with 1 week breaks in between each quarter, year round-with a little extra time at Christmas. The first two years are much like medical school, lots of science courses-read...THE hard courses. The last two years, adjustments, techniques, radiology and the like are taught. Again, its not easy anywhere along the way, but from what i'm told its just like undergrad. Some classes will be long and painful, others will be fairly easy (again. in comparison). Ive talked to some chiropractors around town about their education process, one man whose been in the business for a couple decades said when he went to chiropractic college it was a 12 quarter program, or roughly 3 years instead of 4-it has become more dense and difficult in the modern day. 

I am so, so proud of my lyme doctor for helping me reach this point in my life. When I was in high school, my parents pushed me to duel enroll in college, because in my state it is free college-the state pays it. I remember being absolutely miserable. My brain fog was in full swing, class was a blur, the teachers were great but I physically and mentally just barely made it through. And that was freshman classes, not hard classes yet!

Now here I am excited and ready to jump into a graduate program which I already know will be more intense and I cannot wait. I feel like I am already ready and prepared, good to go! I don't really dread it, knowing that it will be intense and will wear me out at times. I just cannot believe I have reached the point in my life where I can be excited for school and want to do more.

I have so, so, so much to be grateful for. My health, my clear (enough) brain, my energy, my physical strength, my family, my support system, my doctor, my drive (def. from God, not from me), my ability to realize that  what I have been given time and time again is a gift from God. I have made it a long way, sometimes I had to be pushed, sometimes I was pushing myself.

New Era

The beginning of a new era is on my calendar. In the past, oftentimes things in the future were scary, this time it's exciting. I have one more trip planned to go see my lyme doctor in March, the way I feel right now I probably could skip it and keep going but due to the nature of the schooling I do not know when I will have free time again to take a week or so to fly out to Kansas. So March it is!

I will of course continue to write here, I know I have been fairly quiet. If I am not mistaken google has pushed the blogger platform back some and made it less advertised online, so I know my posts on this platform are not as shared as they once were from standard google searches. But even so, I will continue to journal and share the things I learn along the way. I started this blog to catalogue my life, I see no reason to stop just because I am feeling better. I have seen so many lyme blogs end abruptly with no reason given, and you never know what happened. Did they get better? Did they stay better? Did they actually get their life back or was it only an improvement?

I want to show what it is like to beat chronic lyme and keep going with my life.

I was telling my dear friend that I feel that with this acceptance, I can actually accept this dream rather than fear losing it. Because with chronic disease, it can be so hard to dream for fear of getting let down again. 

Anyway, just wanted to share my most recent good news!!