Hello friends!
I know I know, I haven't been saying much lately. When I do its usually about how I am and that's about it...
I promise, more will be coming soon. Essential oils have been on my mind lately. I am thinking about joining Doterra. Out of all of my research they seem to have the most pure oils, consistently. How I came to that conclusion will be a post of its own.
Ill be honest though, I will not be one of those oil dealers who claim only their product is the best and cannot ever be compared against. It could even be true, I don't know. There are just several qualities about Doterra and there products I personally appreciate.
On to my progress
Overall, I have been loaded down, crazy busy. In the past, a week like I just experienced would have thrown me in the bed for days. On an extra bad day following a busy time, I would just lay there trembling listing to whatever was on the TV or Netflix. Sometimes in pain from inflamed, angry joints. Oftentimes I would have neuropathy, burning skin, down my arms, legs, and feet. I would just have to ride it out. I had coconut oil for neuropathy and my phone for Netflix. I knew it would end soon, it was only temporary.
Anyway, I did have a down day today. I woke up after noon, with a headache. Being Monday, its my no pill day. My doctor wants to skip my supplements one day a week, I picked Monday.
I tried to hold out on the acetaminophen, I really did. But when my headache was still holding on strong at dinner, it was time..but I did take the lowest dose possible.
Now my headache is gone and I am feeling better, but I am still exhausted.
Backtracking a little bit- Yesterday my blood pressure started crashing. I walked up to a friend once and the only thing I had a chance to say was "going down, hold on." and I continued our conversation from his feet. The funny thing is, my friends expect weird things like this from me...so he just laughed and continued on. No questions asked.
I personally believe my low BP is the reason I cannot exercise. When I try to exercise my BP will start to randomly drop. This week, I have been through plenty of exercise and it caught up to me yesterday. It wasn't intentional, body building healthy exercise. I have just had a lot to do.
I had maybe three crashes yesterday. None really bad, I never really fell down or came close to passing out. But I did have to make a quick sit down a few time, usually in the grass around someone's feet. Or once a table, lol.
It continued today, along with nausea. It has finally began to subside, now that I have rested most of the day.
Back to the present
I have another busy, though not loaded, several days ahead. I think I will hold out, a year ago I couldn't say something like this. Two years ago there for sure was no chance I couldn't do anything strenuous for more than one or two days. Even if I did, I would spend the equal amount of time in bed, with my phone and Netflix.
Monday, May 23, 2016
My Life, the Past Five Years
Today I want to share with you all an excerpt from a recent school presentation. Most of this I have shared with my blog readers in the past, but here I go again.
My Life, the Past Five Years
My Life, the Past Five Years
Lyme disease
is spread by insect bites, most commonly ticks but also fleas and mosquitos.
Any tick borne pathogen can be spread to the host in less than a minute. It
does not take a tick 24 hours or even several days to transmit a disease. The
most common symptoms are migrating joint pain, headaches, dizziness, brain fog,
and swelling. There’s a catch, most common is a very loose term. Lyme disease
can mimic over 300 diseases and can imitate nearly every symptom known.
Recently it has even been found to cause tumors, certain cancers, and 8 out of
10 Alzheimer’s cases.
Lyme disease
is a lifelong disease, it has no known cure. About 80-90% of patients never reach
long term remission. The ones that do reach remission commonly have a port
placed in their chest or PICC line in their arm, and receive intravenous antibiotics several days a week,
multiple times a day. There are very few clinics that treat full blown chronic
Lyme disease in the United States. Most doctors do not believe the disease
exist, for reasons unknown.
To pursue
remission and stop the damaging effects of Lyme disease, I traveled to Wichita,
Kansas. I chose this clinic because it is the only clinic in the United States
that utilizes only natural methods to heal the body, better than before
contracting the disease. There is only one other clinic like this in the world,
the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland. I have stayed at the clinic a total of
three weeks this year and will return for another week in August. I have
reached about an 80% improvement; it is expected for me to reach remission this
As a child
with chronic disease I have had the opportunity to learn so much more than
others. I now have a Master’s degree in using Google, I can find the health
section at the library walking backwards with my eyes closed, I learned
compassion and understanding, and most of all I learned the importance of
At 13 I had
to become my own doctor, because no one knew what was wrong with me. It was my
own persistence and research that brought me to where I am today. After reading
countless books, internet articles, and watching every video I could find on
YouTube I came to the conclusion I would not use antibiotics as a long term
treatment method. In the last five going on six years of research I have not
found one case of Lyme that has been cured without damaging, lasting side
effects from antibiotics. On top of that
it takes on average 3-5 years of intravenous antibiotics to bring chronic Lyme
disease into remission.
No Lyme
literate medical doctor will tell you this. Only looking at other people’s
experience will you find this information.
Lyme disease
is not a disease recognized by most doctors, not just in the United States but
all over the world. Every Lyme patient has to search, ask around, and dig for
that one doctor within reach that could possibly help them find relief.
One thing I
learned for sure, without a doubt is patience. It took four years to find a
doctor that had enough experience under his belt to not just relieve symptoms,
but to bring me too remission-possibly to the point of cure. Time will tell.
Lyme disease
has totally and completely changed my life. The last normal, scheduled,
teenager program I was involved in for fun was Boy Scouts. I was the first in
my patrol to reach the Rank of Eagle, I was the first to completely fill my
sash. When I was 14, I had to quit that too because I no longer had the energy
and focus to move further in the program. I have stayed a member and go to
meetings whenever I am needed, but that’s all I do for them.
It took a
long time to realize this, but my life experience truly is different than the
standard. I have not missed out on anything; I have been given my own unique
Any teenage
male from the ages 12-18 can join the Boy Scouts and earn a Merit Badge. It’s a
black and white process, fill out the paperwork and do the required
activities-you just got yourself a badge. Having a chronic disease is anything
but black and white. Every day is different; I do not know what I will be doing
or what will even be able to do until the minute I do it. Even throughout the
day things change, it’s normal to wake up sick, perk up at some point, crash,
and then reach what seems to be a steady medium. This day is not a literal 24
hour day, 80% of Lyme patients are insomniacs, and this whole process could
cycle for 36+ hours without ever sleeping.
Even on the
worst days where I never left the bed or stayed up for two days in a row, I had
my faith. I knew everything would be okay. God’s timing is perfect; it takes
time to learn life lessons. They cannot be taught in school, because school is
only a program, it cannot teach you the every up and down swing life can and
will throw at you.
I would have
never learned compassion for other people, suffering in ways that cannot be
seen by those who have not had the experience themselves. I would never had
seen how perfect Gods timing really is if I didn’t have a reason to look for
it. Waking up feeling dead is quite the motivator to look!
I would
never have seen the groups and droves of people with chronic illnesses that
have no one to reach out to them. Most importantly of all, I would have never
seen the reason to be the one to reach out, if I hadn’t been there myself.
When I wrote this for my presentation, my goal was to not show people that all suffering is worthless and horrible. Everything happens for a reason and through all things there is a lesson. If you can see the reason for your own life, you will always be able to pull yourself out of depression and you will always conquer you battles.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Essential Oils
Hello you all!
I am glad to say I am doing well, I hope the same for you.
Essential oils have been on my mind a lot lately. Like homeopathy they work significantly through energy. On top of the energy and high vibration that is contained in a bottle of true essential oil, they have nutrients and scents that are beneficial for our body.
All matter has a vibration. Humans operate optimally around 62-68 MHz, in this range cancers and mutations are rare. The lower the vibration of the human body the more likely a disease will set in, at 42 MHz cancers typically appear and at the beginning of death the vibration can be 20 MHz.
Essential oils have a rather high vibration, especially when compared to foods. Fresh produce has a vibration of about 15 MHz while processed food is typically close to 0 MHz. Rose essential oil however is commonly measured at 320 mhz, lavender measures around 118 MHz, and peppermint around 78 MHz. Applying oils to certain parts of the body can impact or even significantly impact the vibration of the body.
Rose oil, which has the highest vibration of all essential oils, is one of the best remedies for depression and sorrow. The components in the oil are uplifting and strong, causing the body to react in a positive way to the oils presence. I see using oils as like a chiropractic adjustment for the immune system and mind. The vibrations, scent, and components of the oil cause a shift to the body when it camnot do so itself.
Many oils that have a strong impact on the mind have a vibration above 90 MHz. The first one that would come to mind for most people is lavender, a calming oil used for sleep disorders, anxiety, and stress. The vibration of lavender oil is in the 118 MHz range.
Frankincense is amazing for boosting brain power and focus. Recently it has even been shown to impact Alzheimer's progression in a positive direction. Frankincense vibrates in the upper 140's MHz range.
There is so much to learn about oils, they have been my recent obsession. I have considered joining one of the essential oil companies and start seeking oils. I use them often, and there's even more I would like to start using.
In the past I have mostly used oils for colds, infections, and pain-with impressive success. But there's even more I could be doing with oils, and sharing about on my blog!
It won't be much longer before I am done with long term supplements. Oils to me seem like one of the best methods to keep my body running on high, without falling back down. One thing I appreciate with oils is how they have more long term benefits IMO than standard supplements when it comes to fighting common infections. Using oils can raise the vibration of the cells, decreasing likely hood of getting sick in the first place, along with decreasing overall symptoms of the infection present. I use peppermint, for example, whenever I have a cold or sinus infection. Peppermint is antibacterial, a decongestant, and stimulates the nervous system. All of these shrink the severety level of an infection.
This is just some stuff that has been on my mind lately....if anyone has a favorite oil or brand please post in the comments! I would love to hear it.
I am glad to say I am doing well, I hope the same for you.
Essential oils have been on my mind a lot lately. Like homeopathy they work significantly through energy. On top of the energy and high vibration that is contained in a bottle of true essential oil, they have nutrients and scents that are beneficial for our body.
All matter has a vibration. Humans operate optimally around 62-68 MHz, in this range cancers and mutations are rare. The lower the vibration of the human body the more likely a disease will set in, at 42 MHz cancers typically appear and at the beginning of death the vibration can be 20 MHz.
Essential oils have a rather high vibration, especially when compared to foods. Fresh produce has a vibration of about 15 MHz while processed food is typically close to 0 MHz. Rose essential oil however is commonly measured at 320 mhz, lavender measures around 118 MHz, and peppermint around 78 MHz. Applying oils to certain parts of the body can impact or even significantly impact the vibration of the body.
Rose oil, which has the highest vibration of all essential oils, is one of the best remedies for depression and sorrow. The components in the oil are uplifting and strong, causing the body to react in a positive way to the oils presence. I see using oils as like a chiropractic adjustment for the immune system and mind. The vibrations, scent, and components of the oil cause a shift to the body when it camnot do so itself.
Many oils that have a strong impact on the mind have a vibration above 90 MHz. The first one that would come to mind for most people is lavender, a calming oil used for sleep disorders, anxiety, and stress. The vibration of lavender oil is in the 118 MHz range.
Frankincense is amazing for boosting brain power and focus. Recently it has even been shown to impact Alzheimer's progression in a positive direction. Frankincense vibrates in the upper 140's MHz range.
There is so much to learn about oils, they have been my recent obsession. I have considered joining one of the essential oil companies and start seeking oils. I use them often, and there's even more I would like to start using.
In the past I have mostly used oils for colds, infections, and pain-with impressive success. But there's even more I could be doing with oils, and sharing about on my blog!
It won't be much longer before I am done with long term supplements. Oils to me seem like one of the best methods to keep my body running on high, without falling back down. One thing I appreciate with oils is how they have more long term benefits IMO than standard supplements when it comes to fighting common infections. Using oils can raise the vibration of the cells, decreasing likely hood of getting sick in the first place, along with decreasing overall symptoms of the infection present. I use peppermint, for example, whenever I have a cold or sinus infection. Peppermint is antibacterial, a decongestant, and stimulates the nervous system. All of these shrink the severety level of an infection.
This is just some stuff that has been on my mind lately....if anyone has a favorite oil or brand please post in the comments! I would love to hear it.
essential oils,
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Intuitiveness and Energy from oils
I cannot remember if I have posted how I was lead to my Lyme diagnoses, so today I will(and if I have, maybe it'll be better the second time!)
I became chronically ill after an injury when I was 13. I had to undergo surgery, a short, low risk, no big deal surgery. I was only supposed to be sedated for 15 minutes so the surgeon could place the bones and insert pins.
I was knocked out from 7am until 4:30pm. Lyme has taken my math skills, but I know that's more than 15 minutes!
It all went downhill from there. A few months later I was developing symptoms such as migrating joint pain, dizziness, worsening insomnia, and brain fog.
I knew that a broken arm (now healed) didn't come with these symptoms.
Long story short, I was talking to a friend of mine one day. Their whole family was Lyme positive. Before this, I knew almost nothing about Lyme disease. It came from ticks and caused a flu, that's all I knew.
As soon as my friend said "I have chronic Lyme disease" I knew that's what I had. I could just feel that that was the answer I had been looking for.
She hadn't even told me symptoms or anything. I knew from observation that they were constantly tired and unwell, but I didn't know about the dozens of symptoms one with Lyme could have(at once).
*flash forward*
Before going to the doctor who ran the bloodwork and found Rocky Mountain spotted fever in my system, I knew that would be the doctor that would point me in the right direction. I knew that would not be the doctor to heal me, just get me started.
(I was right, the dr. found RMSF and helped me in several ways, but did give up eventually)
Little things like this lead me through my entire journey, I knew I would be okay. I just listened to my body and any messages God was trying to send me.
Several times I would be reading about a certain protocol or herb and get a feeling that I need to use xyz at X dosage next. One of these herbs was cryptolepsis, which is for babesia not Lyme. Before taking cryptolepsis I was always negative for babesia, the first month of being on the herb I lit up highly positive at my naturopaths. Also my fatigue decreased and my concentration increased.
The herbs and protocols the ND and other Dr. Never made a significant or lasting impact. My ND could recommend a product for me and without reading the ingredients of how it would benefit me, I would know whether it would help or do nothing. I just knew.
I always followed the ND's instructions, if he thought it was beneficial I would take it. I kept my feelings to myself, hoping he would prove me wrong.
Same with the other doctor.
Listening to my body I believe is what kept me as healthy as I have been. I use the word healthy loosely...but there are many Lyme patients who are much much worse.
Our bodies are smart, our spirits are intellegient-listen to both and you will do well!
That's also how I found the Hansa Center.
I found about 4-5 clinics I considered, I knew Hansa would be the one to heal me.
After calling the 3-4 that reached the phone call stage of my examination, Hansa was the best choice. It was the cheapest by far, the soonest I could get in, they offered the most consistent results(the other clinics gave me either no timeframe of healing or a very long period). It's no coincidence I'll tell you that.
I have always been a little on the intuitive side, but until I put it into perspective of how it's made my life different. I though nothing of it, just that I was good at guessing maybe.
The truth is, when God needs you to do something, feel something, know something, you will. It's just even better when you decide to listen!
Okay, now moving on to my random thought of the day.
Essential oils. What is your favorite brand? Please leave in the comments below, if you have a reason you like that brand more so than others please let me know that also!
Oils are something that fascinate me. I use them often. They can make a significant impact on my mood and motivation levels. For one little bottle of liquid they sure do pack a punch. I have put some minor thought in attempting to become a distributor for one of the oil companies...
Once I am off all of my supplements it would be nice to only have oils to rely on. They are packed with energy. Even now if I ever get sick I make a capsule of essential oils, they kick the infection down quickly. I do the same for several friends and family members also, I've kinda gotten into it.
Lately Valor and Exodus 2 are my favorites, both by Young Living.
I became chronically ill after an injury when I was 13. I had to undergo surgery, a short, low risk, no big deal surgery. I was only supposed to be sedated for 15 minutes so the surgeon could place the bones and insert pins.
I was knocked out from 7am until 4:30pm. Lyme has taken my math skills, but I know that's more than 15 minutes!
It all went downhill from there. A few months later I was developing symptoms such as migrating joint pain, dizziness, worsening insomnia, and brain fog.
I knew that a broken arm (now healed) didn't come with these symptoms.
Long story short, I was talking to a friend of mine one day. Their whole family was Lyme positive. Before this, I knew almost nothing about Lyme disease. It came from ticks and caused a flu, that's all I knew.
As soon as my friend said "I have chronic Lyme disease" I knew that's what I had. I could just feel that that was the answer I had been looking for.
She hadn't even told me symptoms or anything. I knew from observation that they were constantly tired and unwell, but I didn't know about the dozens of symptoms one with Lyme could have(at once).
*flash forward*
Before going to the doctor who ran the bloodwork and found Rocky Mountain spotted fever in my system, I knew that would be the doctor that would point me in the right direction. I knew that would not be the doctor to heal me, just get me started.
(I was right, the dr. found RMSF and helped me in several ways, but did give up eventually)
Little things like this lead me through my entire journey, I knew I would be okay. I just listened to my body and any messages God was trying to send me.
Several times I would be reading about a certain protocol or herb and get a feeling that I need to use xyz at X dosage next. One of these herbs was cryptolepsis, which is for babesia not Lyme. Before taking cryptolepsis I was always negative for babesia, the first month of being on the herb I lit up highly positive at my naturopaths. Also my fatigue decreased and my concentration increased.
The herbs and protocols the ND and other Dr. Never made a significant or lasting impact. My ND could recommend a product for me and without reading the ingredients of how it would benefit me, I would know whether it would help or do nothing. I just knew.
I always followed the ND's instructions, if he thought it was beneficial I would take it. I kept my feelings to myself, hoping he would prove me wrong.
Same with the other doctor.
Listening to my body I believe is what kept me as healthy as I have been. I use the word healthy loosely...but there are many Lyme patients who are much much worse.
Our bodies are smart, our spirits are intellegient-listen to both and you will do well!
That's also how I found the Hansa Center.
I found about 4-5 clinics I considered, I knew Hansa would be the one to heal me.
After calling the 3-4 that reached the phone call stage of my examination, Hansa was the best choice. It was the cheapest by far, the soonest I could get in, they offered the most consistent results(the other clinics gave me either no timeframe of healing or a very long period). It's no coincidence I'll tell you that.
I have always been a little on the intuitive side, but until I put it into perspective of how it's made my life different. I though nothing of it, just that I was good at guessing maybe.
The truth is, when God needs you to do something, feel something, know something, you will. It's just even better when you decide to listen!
Okay, now moving on to my random thought of the day.
Essential oils. What is your favorite brand? Please leave in the comments below, if you have a reason you like that brand more so than others please let me know that also!
Oils are something that fascinate me. I use them often. They can make a significant impact on my mood and motivation levels. For one little bottle of liquid they sure do pack a punch. I have put some minor thought in attempting to become a distributor for one of the oil companies...
Once I am off all of my supplements it would be nice to only have oils to rely on. They are packed with energy. Even now if I ever get sick I make a capsule of essential oils, they kick the infection down quickly. I do the same for several friends and family members also, I've kinda gotten into it.
Lately Valor and Exodus 2 are my favorites, both by Young Living.
Post 100
Look at that you guys, we've reached post number 100!! During Lyme Disease Awareness month too!
This is exciting. I am thrilled to say I feel much better today than I did when I typed out post number 1 back in October 15'.
Today I am building up my body. My muscles and back are beginning to hold and work correctly, I have more energy, some nights I sleep hard and wake refreshed, and my spirit is healing.
One of the things you are never told about being chronically ill is your body and spirit are never in line. One day your spirit could be in a great place, calm and confident. But your body is in shambles.
Going to bed one night thinking everything is great, tomorrow will be awesome. Then tomorrow comes and you awaken to the feeling of negativity, pain, fatigue, and a grand total of zero motivation.
But time goes on. Gods plan works out. I have learned an invaluable amount of information during my many years of illness. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Did you see that coming?
I've been sick for years, but wouldn't have it any other way. Huh.
The end of my illness is getting closer, not tomorrow but in the upcoming time it is. Physically and mentally I am stronger and gaining a little more every week. Ups and downs occur but have become less extreme.
I will be going back to Hansa, I hope it will be my last requires visit. Even if it's not, I'm okay. If I go for a 4th time it is not the end of the world. I am healing. I will be 100% and better than before one day-without the need of further supplements.
That's one thing I am looking forward to, no more pills or liquids to take. I have a few boxes of empty bottles that I've saved just to see how many bottles I would go through to reach the last one.
I have taken something almost every day for 5ish years...it would be nice to have no need for that.
My healing results in the last few months is astounding, I pray everyone will one day be able to have access to healthcare that is available at the Hansa Center.
Until next time, God bless
This is exciting. I am thrilled to say I feel much better today than I did when I typed out post number 1 back in October 15'.
Today I am building up my body. My muscles and back are beginning to hold and work correctly, I have more energy, some nights I sleep hard and wake refreshed, and my spirit is healing.
One of the things you are never told about being chronically ill is your body and spirit are never in line. One day your spirit could be in a great place, calm and confident. But your body is in shambles.
Going to bed one night thinking everything is great, tomorrow will be awesome. Then tomorrow comes and you awaken to the feeling of negativity, pain, fatigue, and a grand total of zero motivation.
But time goes on. Gods plan works out. I have learned an invaluable amount of information during my many years of illness. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Did you see that coming?
I've been sick for years, but wouldn't have it any other way. Huh.
The end of my illness is getting closer, not tomorrow but in the upcoming time it is. Physically and mentally I am stronger and gaining a little more every week. Ups and downs occur but have become less extreme.
I will be going back to Hansa, I hope it will be my last requires visit. Even if it's not, I'm okay. If I go for a 4th time it is not the end of the world. I am healing. I will be 100% and better than before one day-without the need of further supplements.
That's one thing I am looking forward to, no more pills or liquids to take. I have a few boxes of empty bottles that I've saved just to see how many bottles I would go through to reach the last one.
I have taken something almost every day for 5ish years...it would be nice to have no need for that.
My healing results in the last few months is astounding, I pray everyone will one day be able to have access to healthcare that is available at the Hansa Center.
Until next time, God bless
Monday, May 2, 2016
Best Time in Ages
Today has been the end of the best week I have had in many years.
This past week, I have felt great! Energy has been high, I've been out working in the yard just doing some impromptu yard work and a little bit of landscaping. Last year I thought to myself, it would look great if I did a few things to the backyard. The only problem was last year, my energy and motivation blocked those plans. I made an attempt to start it, I really tried. It just wasn't going to happen.
This year though, I've done it. I have started the project! If my energy picks up again tomorrow I could even finish it this week. How awesome would that be?
Even if I can't finish it this week, I am just so glad to be able to say I made significant progress in just a few days time. If it looks good enough I might even post pictures...
My sleep I fear is the reason I can't feel well consistently. Last night started off feeling like it would just be any other night that I would have, wide awake until the minute I'm asleep. I'm wired and awake...
Once I can sleep enough restful hours at night, I feel like my energy will pick up and stay up. But for now, I'm going to stick with what I get and be glad for the good days.
Today is a crash day. I woke up with zero motivation and no energy whatsoever, I know I'll be much better tomorrow or the day after. Life just has me stressed right now, and we all know what stress does to how we feel.
This week has been a sign that my sicknesses are fading away, for that I am excited!
This past week, I have felt great! Energy has been high, I've been out working in the yard just doing some impromptu yard work and a little bit of landscaping. Last year I thought to myself, it would look great if I did a few things to the backyard. The only problem was last year, my energy and motivation blocked those plans. I made an attempt to start it, I really tried. It just wasn't going to happen.
This year though, I've done it. I have started the project! If my energy picks up again tomorrow I could even finish it this week. How awesome would that be?
Even if I can't finish it this week, I am just so glad to be able to say I made significant progress in just a few days time. If it looks good enough I might even post pictures...
My sleep I fear is the reason I can't feel well consistently. Last night started off feeling like it would just be any other night that I would have, wide awake until the minute I'm asleep. I'm wired and awake...
Once I can sleep enough restful hours at night, I feel like my energy will pick up and stay up. But for now, I'm going to stick with what I get and be glad for the good days.
Today is a crash day. I woke up with zero motivation and no energy whatsoever, I know I'll be much better tomorrow or the day after. Life just has me stressed right now, and we all know what stress does to how we feel.
This week has been a sign that my sicknesses are fading away, for that I am excited!
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