Friday, March 23, 2018

Day 5 of Treatment 2018

Hi all, I hope you are all having a good symptom free week!

Today was my last day in Wichita at the clinic, I am all the way back home in my own bed now-very tired.
The doctors visit went well, not terribly exciting. The doc worked on my spine, neck, and muscles doing regular chiropractic work. I am prone to all sorts of spinal stuff because of my scoliosis, my KS  doc does a much better job at adjusting my back and making it last than any other chiropractor I've been to.
I was not given anymore supplements to take home on todays visit, praise the Lord. The doc did some testing on my thyroid and hormones but it all tested well. He gave me a few one time dose homeopathics to take in his office, but thats it.
In other words, today I checked out well and there was not a whole lot for me to have done. Loose ends are being tied up.

This was a great week. My doctor has me on a bunch of new supplements I have never tried before so I am very excited to see what kind of progress is made in the next few months.
My gut has been totally screwed up since March of last year. Whatever happened last March when I got sick during treatment has really stuck around in my body and hasn't let go. Anyone who has been following me this last year knows that the last several months have been the worst, maybe ever for me.
When everything went south last year my gut became problematic and my digestion was lacking. I was ready to just quit eating altogether at one point. It just hurt. I lost my mind for a while, it felt like decades. In reality I don't know when it started or when it ended, I just know that most of the time I am better now and I never get to the extremes I used to hit. Pain came back along with dizziness and extreme fatigue.
The last three visits to the clinic have mainly been to get my body floating in the right direction again. Each time brought more progress. This last week I think may have finally tied up the loose ends. My doctor found a lot with my gut and brain individually and my gut and brain together. Never had these kind of findings show up on the test before, so I think we may have finally dug through enough layers to reach some of the roots of why an atom bomb went off inside me and broke me in to a billion tiny pieces.
I am on new supplements that I have never tried, mostly for either detox in general or killing bad gut flora. My doctor said it could take a while for my gut to shift, as long as I don't get extremely worse I don't care how long it takes as long as I am moving in the right direction.


  1. It sounds like a really productive and hope filled trip! You have had such a horrendous year i hope things are finally coming together for you!

  2. I think it was very productive, I’m excited to see how things change.
    Today I’ve started to feel more recovered from the trip.
