Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Slow New Year

My Mantra to Life-Just Keep Swimming

Well it so seems the beat goes on, im still here even though I haven't posted in a month. Theres some good to that.
I started hyperbaric oxygen three weeks ago, I have one more week remaining. This has been every day, for an hour or more. Its not one of my favorite therapies ive ever done, but I think I am getting results from it though. I have been a bit more alert since starting. A few other people have told me that my color looks better and that I seem more involved in what I do. So my prayer is that the results I get stick and they aren't temporary.

Ive had what I think is a fairly uneventful month. Running the same regular school and work schedule, running it on caffeine that is. I used to never drink caffeine of any sort ever. These days caffeine is whats driving me to function, I don't feel all that bad I just have no energy or motivation. I feel like Ive had my battery drained and life drained out. Yesterday was a coffee and stevia energy drink day, at that I had energy for half the day then went back to my normal steady crash. I still fell asleep at my normal time.
I attribute my recent worsening of fatigue to my lack of sleep. This weekend was especially rough for some reason. I just kept rolling even though I had no energy to roll with, I only do caffeine during the week so it shouldn't have been any residual in my system.

I found myself up late with my thoughts. In a surreality that takes me back to many years of staring out the window at the moon during the late hours of the night. I remember when I used to sit on my nightstand looking up at the moon dreaming of reaching for the stars. I also remember the less than pleasant nights when I would look down at the ground bellow instead, because it would be a much easier place to find myself landing rather than floating through the clouds.
The night is my peace time. I (usually) take my life off work and school and anything else I have going on. I used to read until I was too tired to keep my eyes open. Now my mind just wanders into its own realm. I think of goals id like to accomplish and the dreams I once had. I wonder which ones will become a reality and which ones ill regret never chasing. Its so easy to worry over things that are only relevant right now even when they seem to make up our entire universe. Afterwards is when I can look back and see how minute the subject was.

In this state of fatigue and frustration I have fallen into I have found solace in encouraging others. In my work I can help people and reach out. I can show someone that I can care for them and make them feel special. People in special circumstances appreciate it when you go the extra mile for them, they see it and they feel it. Making someone smile for real, not just a sympathy smile but a genuine smile, is one of the things that keeps me going. I know I am doing at least 1 thing right in my day, after all kindness is free
Though seeing how some people act you would think kindness came with a price tag only the wealthiest and most privileged could afford. I don't understand it.

I made one woman very happy a few weeks, I left her a surprise of encouraging words in her notes for her to find when she got home. I heard from her when she found it and she told me how much she appreciated it and how much she loved how caring I was.
I appreciated her reaction, I knew I was doing something that actually mattered. It wasn't mindless chatter or some material thing that would whither to the dust in a short time. This is someones life, someones presence on this earth. To me, that has a lot of value..
One thing I do not appreciate about this world is how much we are required to immerse ourselves into earthly material things, but we have to. Its our culture. Its our distraction from ourselves. Material is what creates the common bond to create a society.
Maybe if we had more hearts walking around and fewer price tags, we would place value on our friends, family, and neighbors. We all struggle with things in our lives. It just so happens to be that my struggle is my health, which seems to be an endless battle but it isn't. The end will come. Until then, I keep on working.

Even with how "well" I have felt over the last month I have still been weathering some personal issues, as I always feel I am. Im not sure why I can't move on so quickly or why I hold myself back, but I do. And as long as I do some of these things will continue to be an issue for me.
I used to cry a lot. Daily. Multiple times a day. In the car on the way to work. Lunch break. I haven't been anywhere near that type of emotional in a long while. I do wonder, if its because im over the things that made me cry or if its because Im too tired to cry.

1 comment:

  1. So good to read your words, I have missed you friend! I am glad the chamber is helping I hope it lasts. you have a true gift for making the world a better place and helping people feel cared about! I love that about you!
