Friday, September 6, 2019

Back to School

Math Class
Its the end of the first week of September and school is completely back in action and in full swing! I kept doing some classes through the summer, so I never took a full break per say. But doing a couple of scattered classes over the whole summer is still so much easier than a full load, which, yet again, I somehow managed to forget.

Today for the first time I had to admit what I would refer to as defeat. I had to talk to my boss at the end of the work day and for the first time EVER in my rather short working career, cut my hours. I just cant do it. Im overwhelmed and my body is tired. I honestly think I did better at getting things done when I felt like crap than I do now, I think the adrenaline from being afraid of falling asleep in class and falling short may have been needed to keep me running like I was.
I just had to stop. Five college classes and 30 hour work weeks, and about 25 hours of homework at home every week. I cant even go to the gym or hang out with friends at ALL because i'm always staring down a book like my life depends on it.
Im taking abnormal psychology, Chemistry +chem lab (3 hours long, twice a week, whose jealous ?), Pre Calculus, and Globalization. I spend so much time doing math and chemistry, I forgot I was taking Globalization. I barely have time to even take the other classes. On Wednesday I spent the time after I got up, all the way until after 9:15pm or so, doing math and chemistry. I could barely move I was so tired, my only breaks were eating and going to math class(ok so that wasn't a break).

Cutting down on going to work is my LEAST favorite thing to do. I enjoy the people and the job itself way too much. I don't have to "act" a certain way and I don't really worry about if I'm being talked about behind my back, unlike some other crowds of mine.
Plus working of course, provides funding for my hobbies which is my escape from stress. Kinda a catch 22, working to be able to pay to de stress or not working to de stress. Hm.

Today, what broke me and made me wave the white flag, I completely bombed my first math test for the semester. It was 100% because I just didn't have the time to study, I spent all my free time doing homework. I knew this stuff, this was a repeat from last semester, I aced the homework. It wasn't even a long or particularly hard test. I was just so tired and I hadn't been able to study, which is something I have to do for math because I am not wired to do math.

Needless to say. Im a bit depressed. 90% is probably due to just being worn out, this is the busiest school schedule ive ever had, chemistry should really be considered two classes instead of one. I knew this was going to be a rough schedule, I just did not realize how bad. Only three more months to go. The first month went by quick. Thats good right? I just have to redo the first month three more times, then the semester is over LOL

Ive been thinking a lot lately, Ive fallen into a very anti social mood these days. Well. Most of this year I haven't really wanted to be around other people, its not just lately. Ive been paying attention to the people who I most enjoy being around and the people that stress me out.
One "friend" of mine, that was a classmate, who liked to call or text me with ALL of her complaints whenever she got frustrated with life. Which, she may have earned a Guinness world record for, I don't think she's even capable of having something right in her life. But don't worry, she was a very capable young woman, because nothing was EVER her fault. (read the sarcasm here). She was always nice to me for the most part but after a while, I realized she really drove me nuts.
Theres another two or three people that fall into this category, that were close friends and known for years. And I cant help but wonder, what should I do? I already avoid them and don't really talk to or see them in person...but they're my friends (i think). I feel like i'm doing something wrong. But I also feel like when I'm not in the room, I don't want to know what they actually talk about.

On the other side. The people at work are usually my favorite people to be around. Is it because they're that much different than the other people I know, or am I just more comfortable at work than I am around people outside of work. These are the things that keep me awake at night LOL.

Ive payed more attention to some of the things I really enjoy to watch on tv. Tonight I was watching an old Joan Rivers clip on youtube, it was about this time five years ago that she was killed by some doctors. Joan was talking about how she originally had to work hard to reach the level that she reached. She was a woman, a jew, and said things that not just everyone wanted to hear (read men didn't like female competition 60 or so years ago), she had to work harder in some ways than other people in the business at the time.
Then when she was in her 50's, her husband killed himself and she lost her TV show. She lost her best friend, and all that she had worked for over her whole life, all in days of each other. I think a lot of people can sympathize, who have chronic disease. One day you have your life, wherever the milestone be that you've reached, and then one day its gone. Or one day you feel so horrible that you couldn't care less for what you do or don't have.
Joan said she had to go back to the bottom of the totem pole, she ended up back in regular night clubs with the kids who were trying to become someone. Here she was, in her fifties, had her own national tv show and prior career with Johnny Carson, and she was back at the starting point. To me, thats like graduating college with a doctorate then being sent back to Kindergarten to start over from the very beginning.
Later in the interview she talked about how some people are offended by her sense of comedy, and she listed some things that had upset people that she ended up changing. She also made a point that I agree with, if someone has a life that others could only ever wish for and they make $25 million a year. Its not a big deal to talk about their outfit.
On the surface its obvious that this is a joke, especially if you see what some people on TV wear . BUT looking at this a bit more seriously. What do we ourselves look at in ourselves or others, that we take too harshly? At the end of the day some things really don't matter. We can all make mistakes, sure, and be too critical about them. But some things we should just get over it, because tomorrow it wont matter. Easier said than done.
I appreciate Joans sense of humor because it makes some of the hard subjects lighter and she doesn't limit herself to a "box" that only certain people fit in. She even says, many times, that she is her own biggest critic.
Makes you think doesnt it?


Okay so just me then.

One day its my goal to motivate myself to keep going with whatever the project or assignment is, without criticizing myself or others. I wonder, for real, that if one day this is how I will really work in my daily life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heavens this semester sounds so intense!!!! Holy cow, I will pray for you for sure! It was really wise to cut your hours, it won't be forever but you have to make it through if you want the future you are trying for! People are hard. I was talking to Alma the other day and talking about how different i feel from most people after a lifetime of illness and suffering and he commented that it is like being an alien. Most people have zero point of reference for what you understand. It is awesome that you found people at work that are able to be your friends that is rare for the chronically ill, i envy you for sure. thanks for the post! I always love to hear how things are going for you!
