Tuesday, July 31, 2018

First Day

Im back at the clinic! It was a strenuous process to get here but hey we made it.
Yesterday was my first day seeing the Doctor again. We did the usual, going over blood work and test results then following up with some kind of plan. It’s all become rather routine at this point.

My blood work made some excellent improvements in some areas, Iron and ferritin are both back in range for the first time(maybe ever), vitami. d is great, blood cells are normal, and a few other good things.
Albumin is high, alt is high, easoniphils haven’t budged, and cholesterol still doesn’t want to improve .
We think we may have an answer to some of my gut issues though. My doctor thinks I may have easinophilic esophagitis, which would be an over abundance of easoniphils in my throat and stomach. Which would be why swallowig, eating, and all of that is very difficult. We believe it may have been strep induced at some point in time. Causing an autoimmune type reaction.
So yesterday he took me off all of my supplements and put me on just one thing. It’s a homeopathic for correcting easoniphils specific.
We’ve done parasite treatment in the past and allergy treatment, which are usually the causes of eosinophils being elevated. This time we are trying something different, treating the response instead of a potential cause.

In other news, I am not showing any signs of parasites this go round and I didn’t last round either. So seems to be I may have made some standing progress in the wormy department.

Cellular hydration was something else we talked about yesterday and will be working on throughout the week. Something showed up on my blood work and I’m my symptoms that made my doctor think I may not be absorbing water like I’m supposed to, even though I drink like a fish.
This could also be contributing to my dizziness. Cellular hydration isn’t something I’ve spoken about too much, it’s not necessarily an everyday sort of thing. But in the event of an auto immune disease, hey anything goes.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the rest of the time at the clinic went well. Did the homeopathic help?
