Saturday, September 29, 2018

Who Am I Now?

Who Am I?
I feel like I do nothing but struggle with my identity these days. Like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have so so many things I would like to do with my life, I want to go on adventures, I want to meet people, I want to take on more projects, I want to take more classes in school, and most of all I would like to rediscover my faith. Its been so long since I have felt or acted like my old self. I often wonder whether I have changed because of growth or changed because Ive been taken over by grief and anger.

I miss writing positive things. I get to miss that a little less today, because today I am going to be positive. Life sucks. People are mean and self centered. I do not think I have found anything that I can actually rely on long term. Car? Breaks eventually. House? Things leak, break, or even get destroyed. Friends? They leave or change, or I change, sometimes moving different directions in life. Family? Oh don't even get me started, next! Church? Again with the people...
Okay Okay im going to be positive now.
I haven't posted at all this month because I have been doing well. If I hadn't become so pessimistic I would even say I am doing great. Fear is what stops me from saying I am doing great. Im going to change that. I am slowly going to get rid of my fears.

I bought a new project car last month. A completely sad and worn out old car. This poor car, its older than I am. It has not been loved well in a long while. Its a pretty blue, 1989 Maserati. I know what you are thinking, Maserati? As in Ferrari's little brother? Those expensive sports cars that are never actually spotted in the wild? Yep, its one of those.
This little car is a 4 seater sedan with just over 72K miles on it. I bought it dead, for a good price. No start, no lights on the dash, completely dead. But me and the sad little blue car have bonded. I know what its like to be the hidden gem in the crowd that just needs some extra attention. This car was one of the fastest cars of the 80's, especially for a 4 door. Its a cute car, I have been giving it my attention. A lot. A whole lot. In fact I think this car has successfully taken over my life.
On my first day of ownership I fiddled the little car back to life. I did something during my switch jiggling that struck a chord in the old thing. It lit up again. Here I was sitting in my driveway, in the driver seat, watching the rain come down. I thought ok, lights came on, lets start it. It took several tries and lots of encouragement and it started up. I put it in gear and we set off on our first journey together. I drove the car down the driveway, around the cull de sac, and back down the driveway. I thought whew! It runs after all! My life working on this car just became easy. Keep in mind this is still day 1 back in August. I was very wrong. I went to start the little blue car up again later, didn't go so well this time. I tried and I tried, I just could not get a start. So under the hood I go...straight to the oil. What I see? milky oil. My little maserati has a blown head gasket. Good news is I bought the car for a deal, so head gasket set was figured into the price.
The car is still parked in the very spot I first parked it in when I found out she wasn't going to start again without major engine surgery.

I have worked extensively on the car. I have put an extreme amount of energy in the car. I managed to make myself proud at how hard Ive worked on this project. My energy has held up for the most part, I am in an energy lull now but its because of some sleep issues going on. I think I have put over 80 hours of labor into the car, possibly more.
I have been successful. I took the engine apart! Never done anything like that before in my life. But I did it! I took it apart, replaced many worn out bits. I have even got it resembled, it'll even start up! The car is still protesting me though, she cranks up ok, but the massive coolant leak spraying under the car dictates that I must turn the key back and pull it out. *sigh*
But Im close. Next time I have a full Saturday to dedicate to this project, I may just get to drive her farther than the mailbox.

Lyme, at one point in my life, would have never let me think about A. Buying a car. B. Buying a broken car. or C. Buying a very broken car that needed a top end engine rebuild. This is part of my success story. I know that without a doubt my body couldn't have done this two years ago. In less than 6 weeks I have disassembled and rebuild the top of the engine, myself. Its hard labor, it requires may brain to work hard and it requires my body to have energy. Things I tend to run low on.
I am proud. I am thankful. I am going forward. Life is becoming real again.

If the car caught fire tomorrow and burnt to a crisp, id be ok. I have more satisfaction in myself than I have had in a long time. This car and I are working on discovering our lives in motion again together.  Actually this car has had more down time than I have, according to carfax it was off the road and unregistered from 2001 to 2014. 13 years off the road, sitting somewhere. Thats a part of the story that I dont know unfortunately.
I know that with enough attention and fine tuning, this car will be a roaring beast again. Today may not be that day but so what? Im not going anywhere and it can't go anywhere, ill get it going. It'll be fast, it'll be strong.

I did not know I could enjoy hard labor so much. Ive always enjoyed working hard with projects but I do not think I have ever undertaken a task that is as physically, mentally, or as financially taxing as I have until recently. I love it, many days I hate it but its only because I become impatient, I am learning to enjoy the ride. Its so important to learn how to spot progress in life. My sister and I were talking today, both of us are doing psychology based majors in college. She was telling me about how  learning delayed gratification young in life can create for a much high chance of success and happiness later in life. I don't doubt that one bit, I would say the things that have brought me the most joy in life are the ones I have had to work and wait for.

I always remind myself that life is a battle worth fighting. Lyme is what taught me to fight. I may not get up and throw punches or roll some heads, but I can work myself through a stressful situation. I can find a solution, I can think creatively and outside of the box. Many people my age can't think outside of the box, they are only followers, not thinkers.
I still on a daily basis still feel like I am fighting with my soul. Tonight I just couldn't sleep, not a chance, none. Wide awake over here. I have a lot of inner turmoil. Anxiety is the name of the game, not sleeping is what rattles my brain. I have a long list of things I would like to do, but I am not really doing them. I am doing the car, yes. But its temporary. Im trying my best to bring up the courage to live on my own. On the days I feel human the thought is easy, the how, when, why, etc-easy. On the days that I have to look past my homework stack and car keys just to take up residence in my bed...not so encouraging for moving out.
I need to move out, I needed to about a year ago. I know it and I feel it. Unfortunately life just has not worked out for me to sow my own oats
Every time I think about how it would have been nice to have moved out, I look back. Looking back over this last year...gotta say, Ive seen so many blessings in being where I am.
One of my teachers from last semester and again this semester, has been one of the greatest encouragements. She has really taught me how to see myself. On the bad days I may not see myself in a good light but now I know how to look. Some days I can see a little more positive than I did before,
This teacher has really just been one of those great lights in my life.
I have had a few people over the last year like that. Not necessarily people in my personal life but teachers at school, people who have become my friends even though I never thought of them that way, people I meet through work. Even if I don't see what Im supposed to be doing with my life right now to bring the most satisfaction further down the road, I know I will be okay. Just because I can't see it today doesn't mean I won't see it tomorrow.
Thinking positive is something I am pushing myself to do more of. Every time im around positive people or I accomplish something that makes me happy I find I feel better. I dont mean an A on a test gives me energy and cures my insomnia. I mean I feel more comfortable in my own skin.
Right now my soul feels like it wants to jump out and go for a long, strenuous run. Of course that isn't possible, I just feel claustrophobic in my own body. Like my body is what is holding me back from doing what I want and need in my life. I know the day will come that I am able to utilize my body to its full potential rather than giving it careful attention just to maintain status quo.

Just because that day isn't today, so what?


  1. One thing you can rely on long term is that I am always so excited to see your posts and positive or negative I feel better. I am so glad you are doing so well. This car sounds great! I am very much a project person and take great satisfaction from accomplishing a project! A couple of months ago I completed a 12 month menu. It took a couple of years to gather that many recipes but I did it and I love it. Thanks for the reminder that just because it isn't happening right now doesn't mean it won't ever. It has been a brutal few months on my end but I just need to remember things will get better!

    1. Thank you Rebecca that really means a lot to me. Im trying hard to become more positive. Im not good at it but hey theres always room to improve.
