Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Seasons Changing

The time for seasons of my life to change has come once again. School is starting back this week. My best friend is leaving to live in Missouri tomorrow. Another friend of mine leaves the day after, then my sister leaves this weekend.
I will once again watch my life become engulfed in school assignments. Life will get busy and I won't be seeing my friends very often. My best friend moving 10 hours away has probably affected me the most. He is the person I go to for everything, he's my support, my encouragement, my safe place, and of course the person I have the most fun with ( I promise I have fun and do normal fun things with my friends). Now I will have very limited access to him. I don't handle big changes all that well, I am already a rather emotional person these days. My emotions run their own way without rhyme or reason more often than not, but with my best friend leaving...I have been a mess.

I am taking care of my best friends fish now that he's leaving. Last night he brought his tank and his one fish (Sherman) to my house about 11pm. We got it setup besides one of my tanks and I now have the honor of keeping Sherman for a long time to come.
My friend stayed a while at my house because we knew it would be one of the last times we could hang out, maybe even the last before he leaves. I felt horrible, this last weekend has been extremely stressful. I worked a full day. No sleep. The usual human complaints.
It was so great hanging out but we did reach the point where I had a breakdown. I just lost it and started crying and thats all I could do. I couldn't speak. All I could do was just cry harder. I felt so pathetic, why is everything such a big deal to me? But my best friend was there for me. He hugged me until I could finally speak again. I was so worn out I couldn't stand up anymore, I think the first words I spoke to him were something along the lines of "I have to sit, I can't stand any longer". At this point it was after 1AM, he needed to go home but I was delaying it with my emotional neediness.
He held onto me longer and told me he would walk me to my room to make sure I could walk up the stairs alright without blacking out or collapsing (that has been an issue this summer, which he has first hand witnessed).
And because he's awesome, he let me convince him into staying the night with me. So we both walked to bed and I got to keep him for the night. I felt horrible, I haven't slept well this weekend and ive been burning the candle at both ends, not a great combo for anyone no matter their health situation!
My friend stood by me and helped me through it. I couldn't have asked for anything more. It wasn't planned but hey, I needed someone and he wanted to be that someone. He dragged me on to bed so I could finally relax and get some rest for the first time in several days.

It means so much to me to have someone there for me like that when  I get sick. I hate being alone when my mind and or body decide to plummet into a black hole. Just having a friend there for support takes a lot of the pressure and loneliness out of the picture. Having my best friend there for me is even better. That meant more to me than anything I could dream up, its not easy being the outsider in a sick persons life but he knows he to help me out.

One of the things that made this weekend so stressful was the death of my grandfather. Friday morning my grandmother called my mom to inform her that she found my grandfather on the bathroom floor, dead. It was a total shock. He was not in bad health. They were supposed to be going on a cruise tomorrow for their 60th anniversary.
This last weekend instead was used to plan his funeral, which was today. His death was hard for all of us to deal with. I think we are all still in shock that he is gone.
We had some awesome friends help us out and bring us all a meal for after the service. The family came back to our house after the service and our friends had all the food and tables setup and ready to go, I don't think we could have asked for anything more.
Nonetheless, this has been a weekend of sudden and lasting changes. Emotionally I am worn out, physically I need rest. This time, its not just me but the whole family thats in the same boat as I am.


  1. I am so sorry you lost your grandfather. My goodness you are going through so much right now. I will pray for strength and comfort for you through this time in your life.

  2. Thank you my awesome friend! for a change i can say my family needs the prayer more so than I do. Its been rough adjusting to everything but I got this. My mom and grandma however, not so hot right now. Today would have been my grandparents 60th anniversary.
