Friday, February 19, 2016

Guess What!

 Hey you guys!
I just came back from a school trip to the beach! It was so nice to get away, even if school was involved the whole time it was still great.

During this trip I remained on all meds but couldn't do the sauna at all or detox baths. The amazing thing is I feel better now than before I left. My acne is 98% clear, my energy and motivation is way up,  and wait for it....I've been sleeping almost like a normal person. Who else is shocked?? Get this, I ate junk all week long. The only healthy foods I ate were oranges. That's it, the rest was sandwiches, processed meat, synthetic crap foods(think chips/cheese puffs/yogurt), and cereal. I even had plain old processed, pasteurized cow milk on my cereal in the morning.

If you aren't surprised of my progress after that I'll be shocked again...

I have no idea what did it. Could have been the positive energy and the adrenalin (my first guess), all of the sunlight, being in a different environment, or even simply because I didn't dwell on the fact I was eating nutrientless food.
I noticed I was feeling different and acne clearing probably the second day. I didn't really get into the sun until the fourth and fifth day so I know it isn't fully responsible.

Ya know what though? I don't question it. I feel better, I exercised and played soccer with minimal inhibitance (even impressed someone), and I have been able to wake up early and go to bed on time without issue. Not seeing a problem here.

I praise God for this improvement and protection from the toxins that can harm my progress.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you! That really is amazing! I laughed when you listed what you ate and mentioned being shocked if we weren't surprised you felt great even after eating all the crap. Ahhh the life of a Lyme survivor. We try so hard to do it all right (food included) on the off chance that it will all come together just like it is for you right now!
