Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Excitement of a Health Nerd!

Yes it's me, I'm actually posting. Commence to put on your shocked face!

I am still doing well, this Friday will be 4 weeks since I came home. I have gotten many comments on how much better I look. I can even see a difference in how I look, which doesn't happen often in the positive direction.
What surprised me was how many people commented on how I look, no one ever told I looked sick or unwell. I mean that's normal for all lyme patients...the "you don't look sick" line is infamous in our community. The sad part is the truth in it, a few of my friends with LD I could mistake as healthy without a doubt. It's just how it is, we don't look sick most of the time.

But hey, I'm not complaining. I look better, feel better, and have gotten complements. Yep, no problem here at all! Too many Lyme patients never get to say they are on the up and up. I'm still not going to say anything about heading into remission or becoming cured until I cannot even tell I WAS sick.

Anyway, all is well on my end. I am about to finish up all of my supplement bottles that I received at Hansa. Tomorrow I'll start the new bottles, about the time I finish them I'll be done with supplements altogether. Who would have thought one day I wouldn't be taking a single supplement to make an attempt at altering my poor health. It feels miraculous.

One of the therapies Dr.Jowdy wanted me to do when I came home was the infrared sauna. I was able to locate 2 places in my area where I could go.  The only thing about them was the cost, it wouldn't take long for it to be equal cost to buying a sauna. So that's what we did! Over this last weekend our sauna was delivered. We found a great Sunligjyen signature III on eBay, barely used and only half the price of a brand new one. The best part, the owner packed, delivered, and set it up. I hardly had to do anything except help bring the parts into the house. Sunlighen could only have it delivered as far as the driveway...from there we would have had to unpack the crate(in the driveway) and move the parts one by one to where they needed to be.

I feel like I got just as good a deal as if I had bought a new one!

I have used it for 30min each day since I got it. Some of my symptoms that had stagnated in improvement are starting to change again.
My muscles had been getting tight, my skin was starting to really break out again(detox issue), and my sleep of course. Since re-starting the sauna treatments these are starting to improve. In fact the first day I used it I used it about half an hour before going to bed, I fell asleep half hour after getting in bed! Granted that was about 1:45am but still, that's almost 2 hours better than usual.
I need to do that again, that was some of the best sleep I have had in a long time.

Having a sauna at my own house that I can use at any point is amazing, even how well it worked out was a blessing in itself. I expect to get some great use out of that device over the coming weeks and months.

Even the dog likes the sauna! She didn't want to get out! I was afraid she was going to overheat so after ten minutes I pushed her on out the door, it was a sight to see. The dog sitting in a sauna LOL

All and all, I'm doing well.

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you! I cannot imagine how great it must be to improve!!!
