Thursday, August 25, 2016

Treatment Day 3

Day three went by so fast...I just realized I hadn't even given my short post.

Doc-he found parasites. Specifically fish tapeworms and rabbit tapeworm eggs. He made a remedy for the parasites and for their toxic affects on me. The doctor also did more work on my back, as usual.
Therapies-Same as always

I am feeling great. The amount I turn around here is astounding to me. I mean I can't just hop out of the chair and do jumping jacks, but I'm fine with that. I'm not in pain, I am able to eat just fine, my spine and all of my muscles are loose and useable, my nose isn't draining, my brain is working. How many people get to go to their doctor, when treated for Lyme, leave feeling better? How many of you raise your hand when I ask, do you feel worse from a herx? I would bet everyone in conventional chronic disease treatment has had some herxing.

I don't know. I am just glad to say I feel good. I don't have a bummed or depressed feeling either. It's just all is well right now


  1. I am so excited for you! I get tons of herx from natural remedies so I think you are doing amazing!!! Did I miss the recommendations for the yeast?

    1. He found that my yeast overgrowth was caused by the parasites, removing the parasites created an uninhabitable environment for the yeast.
