Friday, October 30, 2015


Well I wish I had better news.
Yesterday I thought I was finally out of the week long fatigue streak I had been trapped in. I thought I was out of it. Nope. Today proved that theory wrong.
I woke up at 8:00am to take Dopalift, still slept in later than I wanted and had no energy. The first two days on the DL I did have some more energy than usual, but the increased insomnia has counterweighted even the thought of that happening.

I have been nauseous and dizzy all day. I get dizzy sitting down or when I stand up. Its SO nice finally being able to sit down at the end of the day!

I also couldn't eat well. I only felt like eating an apple and drinking a  protein shake...Nothing looked appetizing and I felt sick after the apple, so I didn't eat much else.

On top of that, I was up until 5:00am for the third time. This has made my brain fog stronger than ever :/
I am skipping DL tomorrow. Ill try again EARLY sunday.

As I type I have a headache between my eyes, which is unusual for me. I don't typically get headaches...this has just been a strange day altogether..
Tomorrow is new day, even though it is 1:30 am...I guess tomorrow its tomorrow already

I did finally order off amazon. I ordered Cinchona powder, Artemisia complex, and black walnut. I have never tried cinchona, its supposed to be a strong ant-malaria. Same with the Artemisia, but it hasn't been that strong in my experience.

I feel like this post was kinda choppy...must be the brainfog I guess

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