Sunday, October 25, 2015

Babesia Symptoms

Earlier this week I posted about how I have stayed more tired than usual. I am generally tired but I can stay functional...well most of the time.

This past week was different. It was like, I would trade anything for sleep. It was like nothing was worth getting out of bed and using my valuable energy.
Yesterday something occurred to me. I noticed my abdomen was beginning to feel sore, around ribcage. Turns out this is the spleen area. The spleen processes blood cells, which babesia infects. So I think I may be going through a babesia flair...

In the past I have taken Cumanda and Quina from Nutramedix, and the herb cryptolepis.
The Cumanda and Quina seemed to work a little, but they just weren't what I needed. The effects just didn't last for me. That's when I tried the Cryptolepis tincture. It was like a magic bullet for my fatigue! The results were almost miraculous. Within a few hours of the first dose (15 drops) I felt better. I walked the dog for fun and did some other stuff I enjoy doing on good days.

I started at 15 drops 3x daily and quickly moved up to 1/2 tsp 3x, I did this for 5 months.
I stopped taking it in August because I was no longer feeling the affects. I wasn't having the same fatigue I was having before either. I haven't taken any anti-malarials since then...Maybe its time to give it a shot again.

I've never tried red root, I think I will order some of that also and report back!

On another note, I follow this blog- by Victoria Wilguess. She has suffered from Lyme Disease also. Like me she went several years without an answer or any treatments. Another thing that hit close to home was that she was also a teenager when she got sick. This is harder than most people can understand, unless you have been in the situation personally.
True friends to support you and family members to understand you can be scarce. That alone can bring someone down, on top of that she was a teenager. That is a stressful time for everyone at some point. She somehow stayed positive. I believe its because of her faith in God. I know that's what she will tell you.
Victoria has been going through some new treatments lately. Included a stem cell transplant, that she will have to go to Germany for.
Having a chronic illness is hard. There is uncertainty, pain, and a distancing from the reality previously known.
Victoria (and myself) had to grow up, just to learn to cope. This is not easy for kids who were used to running around and playing games. You cant explain to another 12 year old your sitting out of tag because your tired or in pain.
Victoria has been on my mind and in my prayers the past few weeks. It would be great if you could keep her in your prayers, she is going through a lot :)

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