Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Post 100

Look at that you guys, we've reached post number 100!! During Lyme Disease Awareness month too!

This is exciting. I am thrilled to say I feel much better today than I did when I typed out post number 1 back in October 15'.
Today I am building up my body. My muscles and back are beginning to hold and work correctly, I have more energy, some nights I sleep hard and wake refreshed, and my spirit is healing.

One of the things you are never told about being chronically ill is your body and spirit are never in line. One day your spirit could be in a great place, calm and confident. But your body is in shambles.
Going to bed one night thinking everything is great, tomorrow will be awesome. Then tomorrow comes and you awaken to the feeling of negativity, pain, fatigue, and a grand total of zero motivation.

But time goes on. Gods plan works out. I have learned an invaluable amount of information during my many years of illness. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Did you see that coming?

I've been sick for years, but wouldn't have it any other way. Huh.

The end of my illness is getting closer, not tomorrow but in the upcoming time it is. Physically and mentally I am stronger and gaining a little more every week. Ups and downs occur but have become less extreme.

I will be going back to Hansa, I hope it will be my last requires visit. Even if it's not, I'm okay. If I go for a 4th time it is not the end of the world. I am healing. I will be 100% and better than before one day-without the need of further supplements.

That's one thing I am looking forward to, no more pills or liquids to take. I have a few boxes of empty bottles that I've saved just to see how many bottles I would go through to reach the last one.
I have taken something almost every day for 5ish would be nice to have no need for that.
My healing results in the last few months is astounding, I pray everyone will one day be able to have access to healthcare that is available at the Hansa Center.

Until next time, God bless

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