Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I Would Like to Ask for Something

As you all have seen I follow many blogs, at some point I think I've mentioned most of them. A few months ago I posted about one blog in particular, Ticks and Trust. This blog is written by a Canadian mom who also battles Lyme disease and several co-infections. Several years ago her son Parker was also bitten. Shannon has since been able to better than when she had a full blown set of infections constantly. Parker however has not been able to become assymptomatic. He reached remission once, but the pain never fully went away. Now he is doing worse and nothing seems to be making him well.

The faith and confidance in of this family has been challenged so hard. I think many of the people who read my blog understand what it's like to he chronically ill because most of them probably are. But this family, nearly all of them have been Lyme positive at some point. Nearly all of them have been through Lyme treatment. They have all had to deal with trying to find a doctor to treat them, which has turned into multiple doctors and multiple treatments. Shannon's oldest and youngest are doing well how, but her middle child Parker only knows suffering at this point.

I would like to ask for prayers for the Goertzen family. I know what it's like to be the sick kid whose just held back by everything, thinking about other kids like Parker who are much worse than I ever was just makes my heart break.
I wish I had some other way to help them in addition to our prayers, but this time all I have to offer is my own hope in God that one day he will he ok. Parker will be a new person and when he comes out of this darkness he lives under he will be able to look back and find the positive things that happened in his long journey.
I am personally praying he will never lose faith that he will be okay and all of this happens for a reason, it's not God trying to torture him in any way.

Here is a link to the most recent post.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

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