Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sleeping...What's that?

My longest running symptoms is insomnia. I just don't sleep.

The end of my second week at the Hansa Center my sleep took a dramatic turn for the better. I was waking up on my own and falling asleep at an earlier hour. 

It stuck for a while but once I was home not doing the therapies, it wasn't the same.

Now that it's been a while since being treated at the center, my insomnia is taking a turn for the worst. 

The last two weeks or so have been hard to get to sleep, more than usual. The last few days have been progressively later. One night was after 4:00am, another was almost 6:00, then last night I never went to sleep. I just never fell asleep and finally gave up about 8:00am. My body just wasn't having it.

Lately I've just felt wired. Like I'm just not tired but I'm not awake enough to do anything important. 

What's the deal here?! Why now, what caused my sleep to all off the deep end....

The doctor in his email said he was thinking its a detox problem. It feels like a toxicity problem for sure. This morning my eyes also hurt and my head is achy, fits the bill. 

Now what to do about it, that's what I need to know!


  1. Have you tried Ancient minerals magnesium in a bath? Life saver for me where sleep is concerned. Also chamomile and kava kava in capsule form have helped. I am so sorry that is one of the hardest symptoms to handle!

  2. I haven't, I've done Epsom salt baths but not the ancient minerals magnesium. I'll look into that.
