Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Luke the Lyme and Ticks and Trust blog, seen them??

As I have mentioned a few times on this blog, I like reading. One thing I enjoy reading (all the time) is blogs written by other people suffering with lyme disease. I mentioned several weeks ago I was reading Ticks and Trust, I finally finished it a few days ago.

Ticks and Trust is written by a Canadian mom who contracted lyme disease and several co-infections. Throughout her journey that began in 2006 all three of her kids have tested positive for lyme disease, with her youngest son hit the hardest. Her son Parker went from being a normal boy to not being able to walk in 6 weeks.
Can you imagine that?? Suffering for years with lyme disease travelling to another country to be treated, then your child being knocked out of his reality into a wheelchair and a new life. That's mind boggling. I am not a parent, so I cannot even remotely understand what Shannon went through. They did it though, it took years and some crazy, God sent perseverance . Parker is still sick, she hasn't updated on him in a few months but he has not reached remission as far as I know.

Here is where their journey began.

Lukes blog, Luke the Lyme is still a work in progress. Luke only found his diagnoses a few months ago.  He is just in the beginning of his fight.
His symptoms originally started as face pain, then began to disseminate around his body into the more common Lyme symptoms. He is still suffering from this disease everyday.
I found Lukes blog through twitter, often times we are both tweeting about our symptoms of the day.

Both of these blogs have something in common. Something you may find surprising...but only if you are not educated on lyme disease. Shannon and Luke both live in Canada.
Lyme disease "doesn't exist" in Canada! Says those who believe ticks need a passport to cross the border.
If there was no lyme disease, bartonella, babesia, in Canada I wouldn't have made this post. Neither of those blogs would have ever been created, because they wouldn't be infected!!
Shannons family and Luke have Lyme disease. In Canada.
Shannon and her children have positive blood tests to prove it.
If Lyme didn't exist in Canada, why are their bodys producing antibodies to it? Its not because they were bored in their spare time ill tell you that!

Here is the Canadian Lyme website for more information

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