Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Black Legged Tick and another Busy Day

 Hello all!
Today was a good day for me. I felt much less tired than yesterday and I was able to accomplish some things on my to-do list.

This afternoon I was working out in the yard and guess what I found crawling on my shoulder? A little deer tick...I have never found deer ticks in my yard, several lone star but this is the first deer.
I thought that was a little peculiar. I only found one thank God, and it wasn't attached.

That was my excitement for the day.

I over did it in my yard work...
I was doing some rather strenuous work(for me), so afterwards my blood pressure was shot. Every time I stood up my BP dropped suddenly. In the beginning it felt almost like I was going to vomit, but that passed.
This thankfully wore off after an hour, which was great.

Usually whenever I go extra long without sleep(like this weekend), I will have less reserved energy for work. So for my BP to fall out is expected. I always have fewer emotions after something like this weekend. I just don't have the same "feelings" I would normally have. Normally my emotions are diminished from the lack of neurotransmitters and lack of sleep. My guess at least...

Dopalift is supposed to combat that...not doing a great job yet. I don't know of anything else for this...
The sesquiterpenes in frankincense oil are supposed to help the HPA axis, which would boost neurotransmitters. I have tried to use this in a few ways. I have spread the oil on the base of my skull, my wrists, my temples, or my forehead, it does seem to give me a boost.
One thing I like doing with essential oils is flavoring my water.
Today I added 2 drops of lemon and frankincense with 1 drop of peppermint. It was delicious, and should also give me a boost.

Essential oils can be strong, using the above for example-
Lemon oil is supposed to boost and detox the liver
Monoterpenes in frankincense is supposed to draw out toxins from the liver.
Peppermint oil stimulates the central nervous system. Great for concentration.

This is just a tiny example really. There is an oil for everything, and it doesn't take much to feel the effects!
Essential oils have been used since Biblical times. Back then they were even used as a currency because they were so important to society.

Anyway, this has been my short rant about BP and oils, LOL
My brain is gone for the day again...I feel like I cut this post short :/
I will follow up on both one day.....

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